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Phanariot Materialities: Domestic Architecture, Urban Culture, and Social Mobility

Phanariot Materialities: Domestic Architecture, Urban Culture, and Social Mobility

The International Symposium “Phanariot Materialities: Domestic Architecture, Urban Culture, and Social Mobility” is part of an overarching three-year research program with the same title and focuses on the material and social history of the Phanariots. These Greek-speaking, Orthodox Christian, Istanbul-based mercantile elites attained prominence in the Ottoman administration by serving as imperial dragomans and rulers of Moldavia (Boğdan) and Wallachia (Eflak) under Ottoman suzerainty. While nationalist historiographical traditions have often criticized the Phanariots as disloyal and “materialistic,” it is telling that their actual material culture and milieu has not been soberly appraised. 

Recent scholarship has effectively challenged the conventional definition of the Phanariots as an exclusively elite group by underlining its extensive, highly stratified, and polysemous character. As an Ottoman “network of power,” the Phanariots may be studied through the lens of a specifically spatial framework: one that starts from their residences on the Phanar waterfront in the northwestern part of the walled city and the Bosphorus and extends throughout the Mediterranean, the Danubian principalities, and other major urban centers. The wide geographical reach of this vast political, religious, intellectual, and economic network, together with the remarkable social and physical mobility of the Phanariots, requires an appropriate research focus that builds on collaborations across a variety of disciplines and national historiographies. Therefore, this symposium facilitates an interdisciplinary discussion on Phanariot material culture, with a particular focus on residential architecture, urbanism, family and households, communalities, neighborhoods, domesticity, etiquette, and performativity. By bringing together an array of scholars from Turkey, Greece, Romania, and beyond, we hope to approach the Phanar not only as an urban neighborhood or ecclesiastical center but also as the heart of a spatial network extending far beyond Istanbul or even the former Ottoman territories.  

The symposium’s time frame consists of the “long” eighteenth century, a period from the mid-seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century. The mid-seventeenth century marks a major turning point for the history of the Ottoman Empire and Moldo-Wallachia, as well as the city of Istanbul. Half a century after the transfer of the Patriarchate to the Petrion Castle on the Golden Horn, Phanar had already emerged as the educational and cultural center of the Greek Orthodox population in the Ottoman Empire and a mercantile elite neighborhood when, for the first time, semi-masonry houses started to appear on the waterfront, with some of them belonging to Moldo-Wallachian notable families. Greek mercantile elites began to rise in the Ottoman state apparatus as personal physicians of viziers and as dragomans. Former Byzantine, Moldo-Wallachian, and newly emerging Greek-Orthodox elites converged over political alliances and intermarriage, culminating in the Danubian hospodariats. The mid-nineteenth century, in turn, marked the terminus of these developments. While the 1821 Greek War of Independence led to the fall from grace of the Phanariots, the Crimean War and the Paris Congress brought about the end of Ottoman suzerainty over Moldavia and Wallachia. The so-called Neo-Phanariots began to move away from Phanar, since the neighborhood had been irreversibly deprived of its former elite character and settlement patterns. For our purposes, therefore, the long eighteenth century may be studied as a period of Phanariot ascendency, as reflected and observable in a refined, complex, and multilayered material culture. 

Conveners: Namık Günay Erkal, Firuzan Melike Sümertaş, Haris Theodorelis-Rigas

You may peruse the abstract booklet here.

The symposium, organised in collaboration with Meşher and Sismanoglio Megaro, will be held hybrid in ANAMED Auditorium and on zoom, and is open to general participation.

To participate in the online sessions via Zoom, please click the Zoom Registration button above.

No registration is required for physical participation in the symposium.

The language of the proceedings is English and simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Turkish.

09: 30 – 09:50 Açılış Konuşmaları – Welcoming Remarks

Namık Günay Erkal, Firuzan Melike Sümertaş, Haris Theodorelis-Rigas

9:50 – 10:30 Çerçeve Konuşması – Keynote Speech – Christine Philliou – Devlet içinde Devlet Olmanın Çelişkileri: Uzun On Sekizinci Yüzyılda Fenerli İktidarının İncelikleri / The Dilemmas of Imperium in Imperio: The Art and Science of Phanariot Power in the Long Eighteenth Century
10:30 – 10:45 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
I – Cemaatin Oluşumu ve Dini Vakıflar / Community Formation and Religious Foundations

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Firuzan Melike Sümertaş

10:45 – 11:05 Nicholas Melvani – Bizans Sonrası Fener: On Yedinci Yüzyılın Ortalarından On Sekizinci Yüzyıla, İstanbul’un Denize Nazır bir Mahallesi / Fener after Byzantium: A Maritime Neighborhood of Istanbul from the Mid-Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Century
11:05 – 11.25 Cristina Cojocaru – On Sekizinci Yüzyıl Eflak ve Boğdan Kilise Sanatında Fenerli Mirası / The Phanariote Legacy in the Ecclesiastical Art from Wallachia and Moldavia in the Eighteenth Century
11:25 – 11:45 Karen A. Leal (banttan yayın – recorded video) – Fener’de Bir Bizans-Osmanlı Kilisesi / A Byzantine Ottoman Church in Fener
11:45 – 12:05 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
12:05 – 13:30 Öğle Arası – Lunch Break
II – Mimari, Hamilik ve Kültürler Arası Eğilimler / Architecture, Patronage and Cross-cultural Trends

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Çiğdem Kafescioglu

13:30 – 13:50 Elisabeta Negrău – Eflak Boyarları ve Rum Fenerlilerinin Eflak Malikâne Mimarisi Üzerindeki Karşılıklı Etkileri: Kaynaklar, İşlev ve Adab Üzerine Bir İnceleme / The Mutual Influence of Wallachian Boyars and Greek Phanariotes on Wallachian Mansion Architecture: An Exploration of Sources, Function, and Etiquette
13:50 – 14:10 Hilal Uğurlu – Deniz Türker – Saraylar ve Kalfalar: III. Selim’in Saltanatı Sırasında Hamilik İlişkileri / Courts & Kalfas: Patronage Relationships in Selim III’s Reign
14:30 – 14:50 Alper Metin – İstanbul’un Mimari ve Kentsel Dönüşümüne Rum ve Egelilerin Katılımı: Barok Çağı Sırasında Doğu Akdeniz Ağları / Greek and Aegean Participation in the Architectural and Urban Renewal of Istanbul: Eastern Mediterranean Networks during the Age of Baroque
14:50 – 15:05 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
15.05-15.20 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
III – Edebi Kültür, Şiir ve Eğitim / Literary Culture, Poetry and Instruction

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Haris Theodorelis-Rigas

15:20 – 15:40 Konstantinos Sampanis – Chariton Karanasios – Fenerli Lirik Şiirinin Zengin Doğal ve Kentsel Ortamı / The Affluent Natural and Urban Environment in the Phanariot Lyric
15:40 – 16:00 Miltos Pechlivanos – Neşelilik Pratikleri: Nikolaos ve Skarlatos Mavrokordatos arasındaki Kitaplar ve Okumalar / Practices of Cheerfulness: Books and Readings between Nikolaos and Skarlatos Mavrokordatos
16:00 – 16:20 Ovidiu Olar – Beyaz Kuğu ve Zürafa: Kantemir’in Hiyeroglifik Tarih’ine (İstanbul, y. 1706) göre Fenerlilerin Yükselişi / The White Swan and the Giraffe: The Rise of the Phanariots According to Cantemir’s Hieroglyphic History (Constantinople, C. 1706)
16:20 – 16:40 Hasan Çolak (banttan yayın – recorded video) – Özel Mülkten Eğitim Kurumlarına: Fener’deki Maddi ve Kurumsal Dönüşümün Bir Vaka Çalışması / From Private Property to Educational Institutions: A Case Study of Material and Institutional Transformation in Fener
16:40 – 17:00 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
17:00 – 17:15 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
17:15 – 17:55 Çerçeve Konuşması – Keynote Speech – Shirine Hamadeh – Kıyıdan Görünüm: On Sekizinci Yüzyıl İstanbulundan Mimari Manzaralar ve Kültürel Pratikler / The View from the Shore: Architectural Landscapes and Cultural Practices in 18th Century Istanbul
IV – Osmanlı Kurumları ve Seçkinleri Arasında / Among Ottoman Institutions and Elites

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Evgenia Kermeli

09:30 – 09:50 Savvas E. Tsilenis – Athanasios Komninos İpsilandis’e Göre On Sekizinci Yüzyıl Polis’inde Osmanlı İleri Gelenlerinin Fenerlilerle İlişkileri / The Relations of Ottoman Dignateries with the Phanariotes According to Athanasios Komnenos Ypsilantis in the Eighteenth Century Polis
09:50 – 10:10 Nir Shafir (banttan yayın – recorded video) – Kitaplar, Esrar ve Mizah: Fenerli Bir Beyin Ahlaki ve Maddi Eğilimleri / Books, Drugs, and Jokes: The Moral and Material Habitus of a Phanariot Lord
10:10 – 10:30 Zeynep Sözen – Eflak ve Boğdan’daki Fenerli Temsilciler / Phanariot Envoys of Wallachia and Moldavia
10:30 – 10:50 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
10:50 – 11:05 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
11:05 – 11:45 Çerçeve Konuşması – Keynote Speech – Constanta Vintilă

– Tuna Prensliklerinde Fenerli Kadınlar: Uzun On Sekizinci Yüzyılda Yaşam Öyküleri ve Eylemlilik / Phanariot Women in the Danubian Principalities: Life Stories and Agency in the Long Eighteenth Century

11:45 – 13:15 Öğle Arası – Lunch Break
V – Hane: Beşikten Mezara / The Household: From the Cradle to the Grave

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Anna Ballian

13:15 – 13:35 Elif Bayraktar Tellan – Fener ve Boğaziçi’nde Saklı Odalara Bir Bakış: Fenerlilerin Tereke Defterleri / A Glance inside the Closets of Phanar and the Bosphorus: The Estate Inventories of Phanariots
13:35 – 13:55 Ertan Ünlü – Eflak Voyvodası Nikolaos Mavroyenis’in (1735-1790) Muhallefatı / Heritage of Nikola Mavroyani, Voivode of Wallachia (1735-1790)
13:55 – 14:15 Aggeliki Chatzistavrou – On Sekizinci Yüzyılda Eflak ve Boğdan’da Fenerli Kadınların Mali Rolü / The Financial Role of Phanariote Women in Wallachia and Moldavia in the Eighteenth Century
14:15 – 14:35 Roxana Coman – Yaşamın Dönüm Noktalarında Maddi Kültür: On Sekizinci Yüzyılda Eflak ve Boğdan’da Evlilik ve Ölüm / Material Culture in Rites of Passage. Marriage and Death in Eighteenth Century Wallachia and Moldavia
14:35 – 14:55 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
14:55 – 15:10 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
VI – Maddi Kültür Mirası: Karalama, Muğlaklık, İade-i İtibar / Material Heritage: Defamation, Obscurity and Reappraisal

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Silvana Rachieru

15:10 – 15:30 Konrad Petrovszky – Iorga’nın Fener’i: Osmanlı Rum Ortodoks Seçkinlerinin İtibarını İade Etmeye Doğru Uzun Bir Yol / Iorga’s Phanar: The Long Way Towards Rehabilitating the Ottoman Greek Orthodox Elite
15:30 – 15:50 Cristina Birsan – Dimitri Kantemir’in Sarayı: Bir Prenslik Konutunun Yükseliş ve Düşüşleri / Dimitrie Cantemir’s Palace: The Ups and Downs of a Princely Residence
15:50 – 16:10 Mara Verykokou – Fener mi, Değil mi?  Benaki Müzesi’nde Fenerli Kimliği Anlatımının Yunanistan, Atina Bizans ve Hıristiyan Müzesi ile Ulusal Tarih Müzesi’nin Karşılaştırmalı İncelemesi / Phanar or Not Phanar? The Narrative of the Phanariot Identity at the Benaki Museum, Studied in Comparison to the Byzantine and Christian Museum and the National Historical Museum of Athens, Greece
16:10 – 16:30 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion
16:30 – 16:45 Kahve Arası – Coffee Break
Closing Remarks
16:45 – 17:25 Kapanış Konuşmaları – Closing Remarks – Çiğdem Kafescioglu, Evgenia Kermeli, Anna Ballian, Silvana Rachieru

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Namık Günay Erkal

17:25– 18:00 Soru ve Cevap – Discussion

The first scholarly output of the project, co-authored by Namık Günay Erkal and Firuzan Melike Sümertaş can be accessed here.

Watch Namık Günay Erkal and Haris Theodorelis-Rigas’s talk at Vlahsaray Kilisesi Vakfı here: