ANAMED Library Monthly Book Selections
Here are the special books we choose for you every month…
Book Selections for September
- Meaning-MakingVariations in AcculturationandRitualization :AMulti-GenerationalStudy of SuroyoMigrants in Sweden
- Migration and Labour in Europe: Views from Turkey and Sweden
- Herakles on Thasos: The Archaeological, Literary andEpigraphicEvidenceforHis Sanctuary, StatusandCult Reconsidered
- Gül Baba, Zaviyesi ve Türbesi: Ana Hatlarıyla (Gül Baba, His LodgeandTomb: InOutline)
- Kaplumbağa geldi bir gün tek başına = The tortoise arrived alone one day
- Studies in Medieval Georgian Historiography: Early Texts and Eurasian Contexts
- Türklerle Beraber: Osmanlı Cephelerindeki Avusturya – Macaristan Askerî Birlikleri 1914 – 1918 ( Together with the Turks: Austro-Hungarian Military Units on the Ottoman Fronts 1914 – 1918)
- South Eastern Europe in Maps
- Fotoğraflarla Çanakkale Savaşları (Gallipoli Wars in Photographs)
- WANAT. Western Anatolia in the Second Millennium BCE: Recent Developments and Future Prospects, Symposium Koç University Research Center of Anatolian Civilizations, 15–16 April 2021