Turkish Institute of Archaeology Library
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest, our guest for February was Meltem Doğan Alparslan. We had a nice conversation with her about the Turkish Institute of Archaeology (TEBE) and its Library. In this broadcast, where you can access information about the past, present and future of the institute, you can also find many details about the establishment phase, process and current status of the library.
Engraving World: Digital Engraving Library
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest January 2024 guests were Selma Gürbüzer and Uluğşad Gürbüzer. We had a conversation with them about the “Engraving World: Digital Engraving Library” they established together. We hope you enjoy listening to this conversation about the definition of engraving, the establishment of the digital library and how to use it!
Istanbul Fashion Academy Library
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest hosted Istanbul Fashion Academy (İMA) Library Learning Resources and Library Assistant Rabia Kaplan in October. We had a conversation with Rabia Kaplan about the IMA Library’s collection, terms of use, fashion/art libraries and much more.
Ara Güler Archive and Research Center
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest the guest of our October was Başar Soysal, conservation expert of Ara Güler Archive and Research Center (AGAVAM). In this broadcast, we talked about many topics including the establishment of AGAVAM and Ara Güler Museum, the rich content of the archive, the archive system created by Ara Güler and the continuation of this structure, fine details in photo conservation, exhibitions, and digitalization projects. An enjoyable episode awaits you.
Akbank Art Library
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest the August guest was AKBANK Art Library Manager Hanife Yalçın. We hope you enjoy this nice conversation with Ms. Hanife as much as we do.
History of Bursa City Archive: Bursa Documentary
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest, we hosted Bursa Municipality Libraries Branch Manager Arzu Kuzgun in the broadcast. Ms. Arzu, who was among the team that started the archive studies as Bursa Documentary in 1996, shared with us the establishment and development process of Bursa Municipality City Archive, one of the first city archives of Turkey. You can learn everything you want to know about the formation process of a city archive, archival work in local government and archive management systems in this podcast!
IRCICA Library and Archive
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest guest for June was Didar Bayır, IRCICA Library and Archives Department Manager. We had a detailed conversation with Ms. Didar about the IRCICA Library and Archive. We also learned about her librarianship career and her advice to Information and Records Management students and recent graduates. Enjoy!
Hrant Dink Foundation Archive – Zeynep Taşkın
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest, we hosted Coordinator Zeynep Taşkın from Hrant Dink Foundation on the May broadcast. We talked to Zeynep Taşkın about the establishment of the Hrant Dink Foundation archive, the collections it contains and the projects related to these collections. Do not miss this broadcast, where we talk about the archives of Hrant Dink, Hagop Ayvazı, the archive of Hate Speech and many more, we wish you a pleasant listening.
Sinematek/Sinema Evi Library – Safiye Türker
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest April’s guest was Safiye Türker, Director of the Sinematek/Sinema Evi Library. We had a conversation with Safiye Türker about her career journey, the concept of the cinematheque, the cinematheques in the world and the Sinematek/Sinema Evi Library. We hope you enjoy listening to this broadcast, which will attract the attention of everyone who is interested in art and cinema and wants to reach books on these subjects!
Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği İstanbul Şubesi – Emine Hatun Gür
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest October’s guest was Emine Hatun Gür, Bogazici University Library Technical Services Branch Manager and Turkish Librarians Association Istanbul Branch Chairperson. We had a conversation with Emine Hanım about her career journey, Boğaziçi University Library and mostly the Turkish Librarians’ Association. We hope you will enjoy listening to this broadcast, in which we seek answers to the questions of what we can do together with Information and Records Management students, young colleagues and experts in the field, what problems we can deal with!
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi – Cengiz Kırlı
This month’s guest of the ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest is Prof. Dr. Cengiz Kirli. In this podcast about Boğaziçi Archive and Documentation Center, we discussed the establishment process of the center, its completed works and its institutional sustainability. We regrettably did not anticipate that this interview would be the last one before the center was shut down. Don’t miss this valuable conversation!
Gaziantep Kent Arşivi ve Araştırma Merkezi – Ecem Tan
This month’s guest of ANAMED Library: Burada Konuşmak Serbest is Gaziantep City Archive and Research Center Director Ecem Tan. We discussed the works of Gaziantep City Archive and Research Center with her. The establishment of the Center’s archive informed us about the priorities in collection development as a city archive, access of researchers, oral history and publication projects, and many more.
Devlet Arşivleri’nin Dünü ve Bugünü – Mehmet Canatar
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest’s guest is Prof. Dr. Mehmet Canatar. In this podcast, where we discuss the institutionalization process of the Ottoman Archives, which is affiliated to the State Archives Presidency, since the 1980s, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Canatar told us about his work in the Ottoman Archives, his experiences at that time, and the recent history of the institution.
Yurtdışında Kütüphanecilik ve Kristiana Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi – Muharrem Yılmaz
In the new episode of the ANAMED Library: Burada Konuşmak Serbest librarianship podcast, we hosted Muharrem Yılmaz from the Kristiana University Library. We had a detailed conversation with him, from how his librarian career started in Norway to his understanding of librarianship here. We hope you enjoy this conversation too!
İTÜ Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuarı Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi – Güneş Çetinkaya Şerik
We hosted Güneş Çetinkaya Şerik, Lecturer at Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory, in the archive publication of the ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbestt in February. In this conversation, we discussed the ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory Archive and Documentation Center. We talked about the collections contained in the archive, the projects of Digitizing the Cultural Heritage of Turkish Music with the support of ISTKA, the access of researchers and donations. If you want to explore this archive, which is very valuable in terms of Turkish music history, don’t miss this podcast!
İSAM Kütüphanesi Arşivi – Kenan Yıldız
In the first archive themed ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest was İSAM Library Archive Director and Medeniyet University Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Kenan Yıldız. In this podcast, we talked about the ISAM Library Archive. We discussed the history of the archive, its processes and projects related to cataloging and digitization.
Vitali Hakko Creative Industries – Begüm Başoğlu Öner
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest’s guest of December was Vitali Hakko Creative Industries Library curator, trainer and author Begüm Başoğlu Öner. You should definitely listen to our full conversation with her! It was very enjoyable to listen to the process of moving the library to AKM and the historical background behind this journey from Begüm Başoğlu Öner. You will find a lot of things you want to hear about art libraries in general and Vitali Hakko Creative Industries Library in particular in this podcast!
IFLA: Inspire, Engage, Enable and Connect – Tonia Arahova
2021 için son konuğumuz mevcut IFLA Başkanı Tonia Arahova. IFLA’daki eylem ve planlarının yanı sıra uluslararası kuruluşlar ve komitelerdeki uzun kariyeri ve katılımından yararlanarak, stratejik reform yönetimi, uluslararası gruplara gönüllü katılımın faydaları, iyi tasarlanmış ve yürütülen hizmet ve araçların etkisi gibi konuları vurgulamaktadır. Keyifli dinlemeler!
It’s All About Glam, Big Data & Innovation – Milena Dobreva
Bulgaristan’daki Sofya Üniversitesi’nde Doçent olan Dr. Milena Dobreva, 5. uluslararası konuşmacımızdır. Uzun bir akademik ve çalışma deneyimine sahip olan ve sayısız projede yer alan Milena; dijital dönüşüm, inovasyon laboratuvarları, dijital beşeri bilimler, büyük dijital kültürel koleksiyonlar, yanlış bilgilendirme ve sosyal medya gibi trend konularındaki görüşlerini bizlerle paylaştı.
Türkiye Sosyal Tarih Araştırma Vakfı (TÜSTAV) Arşivi – Erol Ülker ve Sibel Servet Sular
ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest yayınımızın arşivcilik ile ilgili yeni bölümünde Türkiye Sosyal Tarih Araştırma Vakfı’nın (TÜSTAV) arşivini ele aldık. Bu bölümde TÜSTAV Vakıf Başkanı, Erol Ülker ve TÜSTAV Arşivden Sorumlu Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Sibel Servet Sular’ı ağırladık. Kendileriyle TÜSTAV arşivinin kuruluşu, arşivin sosyal bilimler araştırmalarındaki önemi, çalışmaları ve gelecek projeleri ile ilgili kapsamlı bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdik. Bu değerli arşivi keşfetmek için bu podcastı dinlemenizi tavsiye ederiz!
ADA Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi ve Azerbaycan’da Kütüphanecilik – Vafa Mammadova
ANAMED Library: Burada Konuşmak Serbest Ekim ayı yayınımızda ADA Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi’nden Vafa Mammadova’yı ağırladık. Kendisinin okuma aşkının onu nasıl kütüphanelere yönlendirdiğini, kütüphaneciliğin ilerlemesi ve gelişmesi için neler yapılması gerektiğini, Azerbaycan’daki kütüphanecillik anlayışıyla ilgili çok keyifli bir sohbet gerçekleştirdik. Koç Üniversitesi Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi’nde de ağırladığımız Vafa Mammadova’nın mesleğe olan tutkusunun yansımasını bu sohbette bulabilirsiniz.
Academic Libraries in the Front line, As a Vehicle for Collaborative Action – Gülçin Cribb
Gulcin Cribb is a renowned Turkish Librarian with a long international experience. Recently retired, she served for years in Libraries in Australia and in Singapore and she is currently holding the Chair in IFLA, Academic and Research Libraries Section. Our conversation focused on Academic and Research Libraries, their impact on the Academic community, the necessary transformation due to technological emerging needs and the recent pandemic mandates, the importance of the library physical and digital spaces in connection with the library users, the essential role of collaboration and outreach and the IFLA “Academic & Research Libraries” section’s mission and activities. Don’t miss the piece of advice to young Librarians, at the end of the podcast!
‘Max van der Stoel’ Library of the East South East European University – Elmedina Abdulahi
Elmedina Abdulahi from North Macedonia, the Head of the ‘Max van der Stoel’ Library of the East South East European University is a very familiar face to us, as she has participated in our first “International Library Staff” week back in 2018. With her, we talked about the library system in her country, the importance of environmental awareness and voluntarily participation, her work at the University, her participation in various local and international organizations and many more. You can find this very enjoyable and instructive conversation in the ANAMED Library Spotify account.
Archive Works of ÇEKÜL Foundation – Ayşen Kılıç Özarslantürk
In June’s archive themed ANAMED Library Podcast, we hosted Ayşen Kılıç Özarslantürk, the Coordinator of the Information and Documentation Center of the ÇEKÜL Foundation. Together we discussed about the archive projects of ÇEKÜL Foundation. Ayşen explained the purpose of the ÇEKÜL Foundation, the formation, development and use of the archive. By listening to this podcast, you will learn the details of ÇEKÜL Foundation Information and Document Centre’s archive projects, which contribute greatly to the protection of the environment and cultural values.
The Value of Partnerships in Strengthening and Expanding the Roles of Libraries – Giannis Tsakonas
The ANAMED Library Podcast 3rd international guest is Dr. Giannis Tsakonas from Greece, Director of the Library & Information Centre of the University of Patras. The discussion focused on digital libraries and institutional repositories, on assessment for quality services and on official bodies and the importance of their activities and role in further strengthening the position of libraries in information and technology. Serving in the Executive Board of HEAL-Link and in LIBER’s Executive Board as Head of the Innovative Scholarly Communication Steering Committee, Giannis talked about the importance of voluntarily participation in international networks and collaborations which support Libraries with coordinated actions or policies.
Importance of International Organizations and Their Services/Volunteering – Ertuğrul Çimen, Filiz Ekingen Flores Mamondi
The guests of the Library themed ANAMED Library podcast in June, were Ertuğrul Çimen, MEF University Library Director and Filiz Ekingen Flores Mamondi, Boğaziçi University Library Reference Department Head. We had a pleasant conversation with two valuable names who represent the Turkish Librarianship abroad through their work at the IFLA Association. During the discussion they shared information about their contribution in the teams they participate in, their duties, the professional and personal benefits of voluntary participation in an international organization and more. In this podcast, listeners will also find advice and tips for those who want to be part in international organizations. Enjoy!
The Relation Between Archive and Researcher – Gökhan Akçura
“The Relation Between Archive and Researcher” is the theme of this month’s podcast on Archives. In this podcast, Gökhan Akçura shared with us the creation process of his archive, the historical changes in the importance of visual materials, and the significance of the history of daily life. If you want to learn more about the researchers’ alliance with archives, do not miss this podcast.
The Nesin Foundation Library – Cengiz Kotan
Cengiz Kotan from the Nesin Foundation Library is the guest of the month in the Library topics podcast. Serving as the Foundation manager between 2014-2018, he presents the foundation’s operations and the Library in specific and explains how it is to contribute now as a volunteer. Our discussion also includes information about the rare materials in the library’s collection, Aziz Nesin’s idea to establish the foundation and the environment the foundation provides for children. Enjoy!
The Importance of Resource Sharing and Document Delivery – Peter Bae
Our ANAMED Library Podcast 2nd international guest is Peter Bae, Assistant University Librarian for Scholarly Collections Services at Princeton University. Drawing upon his long experience in academic libraries, Peter highlights the pivotal role of resource sharing among the library services, discusses about the importance of partnerships in document delivery – especially during the pandemic – and describes the current situation in the US and how libraries have been trying to overcome difficulties. Being a member of the IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) Section he present its mission and projects, emphasizing on the growing need for sustainable solutions and practices in international collaboration on resource sharing. Listen to the podcast and learn how beneficial resource sharing can be for libraries with limited resources and exciting stories of document delivery.
Exploring the History of Istanbul in the Archives: Istanbul’s Municipal Council Directorate for Libraries and Museums – Kerim Altuğ
At the ANAMED Library Podcast’s Archives theme talk in April, we hosted Kerim Altuğ, the Director of Istanbul’s Municipal Council Directorate for Libraries and Museums. The theme of this podcast was “Exploring the History of Istanbul in the Archives: Istanbul’s Municipal Council Directorate for Libraries and Museums”. In this talk you can learn about the institutions affiliated with the Directorate, their collaborations and new projects. Do not miss this podcast if you are curious about preservation and accessibility of Istanbul’s archives and memories! Enjoy!
Archives and Libraries – Defne Gier
April’s Libraries themed podcast hosted the ANAMED Branch Librarian and podcast speaker N. Defne Gier. With her, we mutually discussed about archives and the importance of archivism, librarianship perspectives and various applications. We also introduced to the audience how ANAMED Library Podcast broadcasts started and where they are headed through new speakers and topics. We hope you will enjoy our conversation with Defne, whom we hosted in the guest speaker chair this time, in this different podcast.
Instructional Design in a Library Setting – Leslin Charles
As the first international guest, ANAMED Library Podcast hosted Ms. Leslin Charles, Instructional Design Librarian and Library Faculty at the New Brunswick Libraries, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US. The discussion was focused on instructional design practice, as a means to enhance and leverage the quality of library instruction. Ms. Charles shared her long experience as an instructional design librarian, explaining its importance and how it should be used by librarians in the creation of learning experiences and materials, in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. What are the available tools and methods we can use? How vital is the relationship with faculty members? How can we implement and execute meaningful assessment strategies to monitor impact? How different is instructional design from the usual information literacy classes? Listen to the discussion and find the answers to these questions and more valuable information.
Ahmet Piristina from İzmir City Archive and Museum (APİKAM) – Emrah Sait Erda
We completed ANAMED Library Podcast’s 20th broadcast with Türkiye’s first city museum, Ahmet Piristina from İzmir City Archive and Museum (APİKAM), Museum and Exhibition Coordinator Emrah Sait Erda. In this podcast, we discussed many different topics, from the characteristics of being a city archive, to the foundation of an archive and the preparation of its exhibition, from scriptwriting, to the writing and design of the exhibition text. If you want to learn more about the half-cup story between the Galatasaray Göztepe match, the history of various venues in Izmir and how a city archive can affect its urban memory, you shouldn’t miss this podcast!
1Kitap1Mekan – Duygu Özdemir
Our March’s Library related podcast hosted Duygu Özdemir, the founder of 1Kitap1Mekan Instagram page. With her we discussed what does it mean to be a good reader, about her journey to the creation of 1Kitap1Mekan Instagram page, her brand she created to help village schools, about different reading cultures, about her favorite libraries and the future of libraries. We enjoyed a lot our discussion, we hope you will enjoy it too!
İsmail Hakkı Tonguç Archives Foundation – Işık Kansu
At the archives talk of this month’s ANAMED Library Podcast, we hosted Mr. Işık Kansu, journalist, writer and chairman of the İsmail Hakkı Tonguç Archives Foundation. During our talk we discussed the foundation of the archives, the documents about Ismail Hakkı Tonguç and the Village Institutes, the role of the fire at the Ministry of Education building in 1947 to the education history in Türkiye, and the future projects of the foundation. Enjoy listening to this talk!
Bodrum Architecture Library – Suha Özkan
The guest of our Library related February podcast was Prof. Dr. Suha Özkan, who founded the “Bodrum Architecture Library”. Our guest explained how he decided to create the Bodrum Architecture Library, provided information about the collection, the researchers who visit the library and some future plans. Living in Bodrum himself, he gave un an insight of the relationship between the local people and the library.
AKMED Archive – Remziye Boyraz Seyhan
ANAMED Library Podcast’s January archive themed podcast guest was AKMED Head Librarian, Remziye Boyraz Seyhan and we had a pleasant and informative conversation about the “AKMED Archive”. In this podcast, you will be able to learn about different aspects of the AKMED archive, such as the history of the AKMED research center and its archive, the content of the AKMED archive, the projects of the archive, and the relationship between archeology and archives.
ANAMED Library Podcast’s January archive themed podcast guest was AKMED Head Librarian, Remziye Boyraz Seyhan and we had a pleasant and informative conversation about the “AKMED Archive”. In this podcast, you will be able to learn about different aspects of the AKMED archive, such as the history of the AKMED research center and its archive, the content of the AKMED archive, the projects of the archive, and the relationship between archeology and archives.
ALKEV School Libraries – Şehriban Kızılkaya
Our Librarian guest for January was Ms. Şehriban Kizilkaya, the Library director of the ALKEV School Libraries. A school librarian offers a different view of the information science sector and our speaker described the characteristics and responsibilities of a school librarian, the activities of a school library, the importance of having an active library in schools and how it influences and improves the learning skills of the students and many more
American Research Institute in Türkiye (ARIT) in Istanbul Archive – Zeynep Simavi
The archives guest of ANAMED Library Podcast in December was the director of the American Research Institute in Türkiye (ARIT) in Istanbul, Zeynep Simavi. In this podcast we discussed the history of ARIT’s archive which contains the American Board Archives, the extension of the collection, the digitization processes, and curatorial projects. Ms. Simavi also gave tips to researchers on how to access the archive efficiently to locate the information they need, she shared insights on developments in the archives sector and offered a few suggestions about further improvements.
Özgen Berkol Doğan Science Fiction Library – İrem Ünsal Bozkurt
Our second guest of November was the SALT Library and Archive director, Sezin Romi. In this podcast titled “The Archive of SALT Research”, we discussed various topics such as the history of SALT Research’s Archive, the current projects, Open Data policies and studies on data visualization.
The Archive of SALT Research – Sezin Romi
Our second guest of November was the SALT Library and Archive director, Sezin Romi. In this podcast titled “The Archive of SALT Research”, we discussed various topics such as the history of SALT Research’s Archive, the current projects, Open Data policies and studies on data visualization.
Muhtar Özkaya Public Library – Jale Özdemir
As a first guest of November, we hosted Jale Özdemir, the director of the Muhtar Özkaya Public Library. We talked about the Muhtar Özkaya Public Library’s services and what improvements can be made in public libraries in general, to better serve their diverse users. You can also find answers to topics such as the users profiles of public libraries, how an ideal public library should be, and the reflection of the neighborhood culture on the public library.
The Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary: Archiving in Türkiye Today and Tomorrow- Women in the Archives Symposium – Aslı Davaz
The October guest of our “ANAMED Library: Burada Konuşmak Serbest” archives related podcast was the founding member of the Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation, researcher and writer Aslı Davaz. In this podcast titled “The Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary: Archiving in Türkiye Today and Tomorrow- Women in the Archives Symposium” we discussed the symposium which will be held on 10-11 April 2021, the themes of the symposium, and the concepts such as women centered archiving and gender and archiving.
Yapı Kredi Research Library – Yaşar Kaya
The October guest of our “ANAMED Library: Burada Konuşmak Serbest” library related podcast was Yaşar Kaya, the manager of the Yapı Kredi Research Library and Archive. With him we talked about the past, present and future of the Yapı Kredi Research Library, its identity and operations, the current situation and the future plans.
The Memory of Ankara: VEKAM – Duygu Kevser Karadağ
The 2nd September guest of our ANAMED Library Podcast broadcast was Duygu Kevser Karadağ, the branch librarian of Koç University Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Centre (VEKAM). Under the subject of “The Memory of Ankara: VEKAM”, with Duygu we discussed the foundation history of the VEKAM Archive, the projects that the archive is involved in, exhibitions, donation processes and remote working experience. You may find out anything you wonder about VEKAM Archive in this podcast!
Goethe Institut Istanbul Library – Sanem Yardımcı
The 1st guest of September was the Library Services and Information Services Manager, Sanem Yardımcı from the Goethe Institut Istanbul Library. We had a comprehensive conversation about the Goethe Institut Istanbul Library. We also discussed various topics such as the differences of living in Istanbul and Ankara, self-educated or graduated librarianship, working in library while writing a doctorate thesis.
The Photo Archive of the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul – Dr. Alkiviadis Ginalis
This month the ANAMED Library Podcast hosted Dr. Alkiviadis Ginalis from the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Istanbul. We discussed the Photo Archive of the Institute. In this podcast you may learn about the history of the Photo Archive, the development of its collections and its upcoming new projects! Dr. Ginalis also provides his insights on issues ranging from archives to maritime archaeology and byzantine studies.
Marmara University, Library Information Department – Elif Yılmaz Şentürk
The 1st August guest in ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest was Dr. Elif Yılmaz Şentürk from the Marmara University, Library Information Department. Irem talked with her about the Library Information Department in Marmara University and about librarianship as a profession. Dr. Yılmaz gave some advice to people who would like to choose to study in the Library Information. We hope you will enjoy this conversation, in which you can find answers to questions related to the Library Information Department.
Technological Arts Preservation – Osman Serhat Karaman
Our 2nd guest of July in ANAMED Library Podcast broadcast was Osman Serhat Karaman. With him, Defne discussed his project “Technological Arts Preservation” and the developments in this field. If you are wondering about the role of archives in the digital-born records, then you may find some answers in this podcast.
İstanbul Research Institute Library – Furkan Sevim
The 1st July guest in ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest was Furkan Sevim from the İstanbul Research Institute. Irem talked with Furkan about the Istanbul Research Institute, the library, the Turkish Librarians Association, and the general status of librarianship as a profession. We hope you will enjoy this conversation, where you can find criticism and advice on the librarianship.
The Suna Kıraç Library Digital Collections Success Recipe – Senem Acar and Mustafa Ergül
Defne started with the Koç University Suna Kıraç Library Archive Specialists, Senem Acar and Mustafa Ergül, who talked about the Suna Kıraç Library Digital Collections success recipe. The talk offers to the listeners an insider’s information on the process of digitizating collections, their management and curation – if you curious to find out what is happening behind the scenes, then don’t miss this talk!
Libraries and Design – İpek Yarar and Sina Mater
In the librarianship broadcast of this month, İrem’s guests were İpek Yarar from MEF University Library and Sina Mater from Koç University Suna Kıraç Library. The conversation was about “Design and Libraries” with the guests explaining how the balance their Librarian responsibilities and tasks with required designing tasks based on their skills and talents. Those interested in design or wanting to combine their love for design with their current work, can find some useful tips from the speakers!