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The Turkish Foundation for Underwater Archaeology (TINA)


The Turkish Foundation for Underwater Archaeology was established by a group of sea loving businessmen in 1999. The Foundation has 46 members and is administered by a Board of 9 members.

  • To introduce the archaeological riches of Türkiye and its seas to the World public and scientific institutions. Organizing artistic activities and meetings such as conferences, panels, seminars, open forums, symposiums, courses, fairs, exhibitions, festivals, group survey tours, publications both abroad and at home to meet this objective.
  • To provide and help provide support to scientific institutions, museums, universities that will conduct reserach, excavation, conservation and exhibitions with permission from and under the survelliance of Turkish ministry of Culture.
  • To conduct underwatre research and excavations in our territorial waters with scientific methods using modern tecchnological facilitirs with permission from the and under the survelliance of Turkish ministry of Culture.
  • To cooperate with museums and institutions already active in this area and provide support fort hem.
  • To enable the increase of such museums and cultural activities and take the necessary steps for new initiatives.
  • To take or help take precautions against the rapidly increasing underwater pollution in our seas and to coopearte on this issue with other institutions.
  • To develop educational institutions active in the objectives and activity areas of the foundation and give scholarships to students who want to train in this area.