Dr. Alberghina is an archaeologist specializing in archaeometallurgical analyses. She holds a PhD in Archaeology from Koç University, where her research focused on the diachronic and regional study of 2nd Millennium BCE metal industries developing in Western Anatolia and, more specifically, on the metallographic and compositional analyses of the Late Bronze Age metal assemblage from the citadel of Kaymakçı. She has many years of experience as a field archaeologist in Turkey, where she excavated at sites in both the western and southeastern regions dating from the Bronze to the Classical Age. She has also conducted ethnographic research in the modern-day province of Manisa as part of an interdisciplinary project combining archaeological and anthropological data on local foodways and commensality. More broadly, her research interests revolve around the complex semantics of materiality and technology, observed also through the lenses of ritualistic behavior and the sensorial aspects of ancient metallurgical production. As an ANAMED post-doctoral research fellow, she is expanding her current research to the investigation of the isotopic signatures of copper-alloyed specimens from Kaymakçı in order to analyze procurement patterns and link those to the broader discussion on trade, cultural exchange, and economic interdependence in 2nd millennium BCE Western Anatolia.
Dalila Maria Alberghina
Koç Üniversitesi
Metal Technology and Exchange in Middle and Late Bronze Age Western Anatolia: Reconstructing Intra– and Interregional Networks of Procurement through Isotopic Analyses