- Publisher: ANAMED
- Editors: Livia Bevilacqua, Giovanni Gasbarri
- Authors: Engin Akyürek, Claudia Barsanti, Livia Bevilacqua, Giovanni Gasbarri, Alessandra Guiglia, Antonio Iacobini, Andrea Paribeni, Lorenzo Riccardi, Enrico Zanini
- Translator: Yiğit Adam
- Language: Turkish and English (Bilingual)
- Category: Byzantine History, Art History
- Edition: 1st edition, June 2018; 2nd edition, February 2019
As an extension of the exhibition “Picturing a Lost Empire: An Italian Lens on Byzantine Art in Anatolia, 1960–2000” which opened in the Arched Gallery of ANAMED on 1 June 2018, a bilingual (English and Turkish) book bearing the same title was published. The editors of the book are Livia Bevilacqua and Giovanni Gasbarri, researchers from Sapienza University, who are also the curators of the exhibition. The translation was undertaken by Yiğit Adam. Besides Bevilacqua’s and Gasbarri’s contribution, the book features articles by prominent Byzantine art historians Engin Akyürek, Claudia Barsanti, Alessandra Guiglia, Antonio Iacobini, Andrea Paribeni, Lorenzo Riccardi and Enrico Zanini. It focuses on the travels in Istanbul and Anatolia undertaken by Italian historians of Byzantine art during 1960–2000.